A downloadable game

A short study into cameras in third person video games 

Hello members of Itch,  

I am Alex Botez, a student at Falmouth University. I am conducting a study into cameras in third person video games for my dissertation. As video games are a subjective field, I require participants to provide their thoughts.  

Participation is completely optional and in total should take no longer than 30 minutes.  

If you are interested in participating, please read the following information sheet. Then consider downloading and playing the following game demo. No data will be recorded within this demo. Once these have played through the demo, please head over to the questionnaire to provide your insights.  

Information Sheet: https://falmouthac-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/ab274449_falmouth_ac_uk/ERw_... 

Questionnaire: https://forms.office.com/e/emgVUV438A 

Thank you for your time,
Alex Botez 

Control Scheme

WASD - Move

Mouse - Look around (only applicable for 2 levels)

Scroll Wheel - Adjust sensitivity

Space - Jump

Enter - Skip Level

Escape - Quit Application

Updated 7 days ago
Published 14 days ago
AuthorAlex Botez


Camera Demo.zip 51 MB